img Mind Body Spirit 9 26

Self-Care Sisters – LIVE event alert

When was the last time you devoted 90 minutes of bliss to yourself?

Now's your chance.

Self-Care Sisters live events has another afternoon presentation planned for Saturday, Sept. 26 from 1p – 2:30p pacific.

Don't miss out! CLICK HERE to buy your ticket NOW. Registration with goodie box closes on Friday 9/18, as they need to be prepared and shipped.

For $30, you get a 90 minute presentation that includes some light yoga, a trial size essential oil, coloring sheets and pencils with a chance to let your inner child out to play, and a facial scrub and lotion with information on the importance of skin care. All of this self-care goodness will leave you relaxed and refreshed.

It's time to put yourself on your to-do list.

Better yet, 9/26 is the perfect day to start making self-care a state of mind rather than a check list item.

If you want to learn more about the Self-Care Sister community, check us out on Facebook. CLICK HERE.

The Self-Care Sisters space is of collective energy and positivity, it is safe and our goal is to support, promote, nurture, and cultivate the different ways we can practice meaningful self-care and lean on one another when needed. It’s a tough time, and we need each other now more than ever.


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